Saturday, May 4, 2013

Virtual Dj Full Crack

From now , there is no need to buy ticket for DJ Party!!! Now you can Enjoy the taste of DJ in Ur own home!!
With the help of Virtual DJ. You can make mash up of different songs and can hear song with any kind of frequency as  want !!!!
You Can download Virtual DJ By Clicking "DOWNLOAD NOW"

                                      Download Now

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Rising Anitivirus Updated

Today i have uploaded a Best/Famous Antivirus. It's name is Rising Antivirus. It is an updated version so you dont have to spend hours to update it. Just download and enjoy. No Need to Update!

                                     DOWNLOAD NOW



WinRAR 510 AND 4.0 Corporate Edition + WinRAR Password Remover

We have uploaded a new software namely "WinRAR510 for X64 and WinRAR 4.0 for X32 Corporate Edition + WinRAR Password Remover". Now u can get decrypt the rar password easily with this tool..You can download this file by clicking the "DOWNLOAD NOW" button. It's free so be quick to grab it.

                      WinRAR 510: DOWNLOAD NOW

                       WinRAR 4.0: DOWNLOAD NOW

How to hack Facebook using Phishing Attack

  • What is Phishing 
         Phishing is a fake login page designed by an attacker to steal personal info of victim's. Phishing page looks same as Original page of any website or social networking website.

  • How Phishing works ?      
           As, I told you Phishing is a fake login page that is well designed same as original page to steal personal info of victim's for eg. (ID, Password, E-mail, Contacts, Credit Card Stealing, etc).
    An attacker will create a fake login page and host it on any free web hosting sites then attacker will send link of fake page to victim to steal his personal info or data and when victim will provide his personal info such as E-mail ID or Password then victim's E-mail and Password will be hacked !!.
  •  How to Prevent and save us from Phishing attack ?      
          Well !! it is easy to detect any Phishing page.
          1. Use best Antivirus and update it daily
          2. Check URL before logging to any website.
          4. Beware of E-mail Spoofer.

  • How to Create Phishing page and Hack any A/c ?      
      So, Friends here is our main topic, how to create Phishing page and hack any E-mail, Password :D

5) After creating free a/c and domain go to your Control panel > and Click on File Manager

 6))    If it will ask for password, then provide your Password
7)    And then go in public_html folder and delete default.php file
8)    After deleting default file, click on upload and you will be redirected to this page
    9) I suggest you to use ZIP archives to upload it's fast and easy :D, so click on choose file
       and select ZIP file you downloaded it step 2.

10)  After uploading your Phishing page you will see this page

11) So, After Creating your server go to your website for eg. mine is
       if you will visit your website then you will see this type of options
12)  Click on Login.html and you will be redirected to your Phishing page that looks same as 
       Facebook original page. CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE IT 

13)  And now copy the Address of this page and Go to Google URL Shortener and
       Shortern your URL to make your victim's Fool and not to detect as SPAM

14)  Let's check whether our Phishing page is working or not ? Go on your Phishing page
       and Enter any fake ID and Password in E-mail and Password BOX 
15)  After providing your fake info click on login and you will be redirected to you tube
        and your E-mail ID and Password will be hacked !!

16)  How to know the Password ? Again Go to your 000webhost dashboard and
        over there you will see anotther file manager 
17) Go in Another file manager > public_html > After Entering in public_html folder
      you will see this 4 files 
 18)  Double click on log.txt file and download it after all open it xD

Now this is the Victim's Username and Password. Enjoy hacking. 
Note : Do this at your OWN Risk. It is for Educational Purposes
Spread What u read. 

    TamoSoft CommView for WiFi 6.3.701 with key gen


    Once again ,we have uploaded a hacking software name is "TamoSoft CommView for WiFi 6.3.701 with key gen.It is used to hack any kinda wifi internet password..YOU just have to click on search for searching any available wifi signals and then click on crack!!Download By Clicking  the "DOWNLOAD NOW" button

                             DOWNLOAD NOW 

    SubSeven 2.3

    "SubSeven 2.3" is a simple, easy to use remote administration tool (RAT) designed to work on all current Windows platforms, both 32bit and 64bit. This tool is aimed at people who want that little  bit more power and control over remote computer management. Please use this tool responsibly and read and accept the disclaimer prior to use. If you do not agree with the disclaimer, please do not use the tool. You accept full liability and responsibility for your actions when using SubSeven. Do not use this tool on computers you are not authorized to control. U can download it from the clicking the download  now button.

                                      DOWNLOAD NOW

    Sunday, April 14, 2013

    NETBUS Remote Administrator Tool

    Hello Guys, today I am sharing another RAT with you.
    This is called NETBUS.
    It contains many options. It can also download files from victims PC. It has a keylogger, sound capture option, CD ROOM on/off, and some others.
    NOTE : Disable Antivirus first as it will detect it as a virus!
    Download :

                       NAME: HASSAN KARIM &WAQAR ASIF

    Saturday, April 13, 2013

    Hackers Assistant

    This is a good software which contains options for Port Scanner, Ping Flooder, Server Slower, Connections, File Cleaner, View Passwords, IP Validator, Web Browser, IP Information, HTML Stealer Site IP Retrieval, Winsock Scanner, exe Corruptor, Nuker, Hit Increaser, File Generator, Anonymous Email, Whois, Binary, Telnet, Regedit, Explorer and DOS.
    Before Download disable your antivirus as it will detect it as a virus.
    Download this software :

    Pro RAT

    So this is an Awesome rat and it is likely most wanted one.
    Download this :

                       NAME: HASSAN KARIM &WAQAR ASIF

    Skyneos Keylogger

    It is an also a good keylogger. You can do many things with this.
    Download this :
                       NAME: HASSAN KARIM &WAQAR ASIF

    Emissary Keylogger

    Emissary keylogger is a good software to steal victim's information. It sends you email to your specified account after time intervals(Set by you eg. it maybe 1 min,2 min,3 min....).
    Another advantage is that it also sends an image of Victim's PC to your email.
    NOTE  : Disable Antivirus first because it will detect it as a Virus as it is a Hacking Software.
    Download this  :

                       NAME: HASSAN KARIM &WAQAR ASIF

    How to know who is visiting your Facebook Profile |NOT FAKE|

    Who visited your facebook Profile many people asked me this Question ??  

    So now I got Answer, from this Trick just follow the Steps !!!

    How to know if someone, visit's your facebook profile ? 

    • Go to Your facebook profile page.
    • Right click on your mouse and select 'View Page Source' or just hit Ctrl+U.
    • Now hit Ctrl+F and search for "ordered_list.top_friends" (without quotes).
    • You will see a series of profile IDs within quotes.
    • These are the profile IDs of your friends who visit your profile more often.
    • The first one visits the most number of time while the last one visits hardly takes a visit.
    • Copy any one profile ID & paste it in the browser's address bar as '\PROFILE-ID' and hit Enter to know who is it.
    • For Eg.
    • Likewise, you can check the who visited your profile.

    Introduction to hacking and Where to start it?

    Introduction:Today I am here to explain the basics of hacking and what you need to know.I've seen a lot of users asking: "How to hack" and "Where to start in piracy," so I decided to create a message.

    If you're a good student, then you should be able to capture fast.I'll try to do this has attached great detail so that everyone can understand.Pros and Cons:Pros

    Some software companies will hire hackers to check for errors in programs
    Free Stuff
    Adrenaline Rush

    Possible jail time
    BlackHat hacking is illegal
    Take time to learn a
    First steps:First things first.There are 3 types of hackers to choose from.Black hat, gray hat and white hat.Below I will list the definition of each.Black Hat:Black Hatters, also known as crackers, are those who destroy private information, deface web sites, and make more illegal activity.Becoming a Black Hat can be difficult if you are not willing to devote time to learning.Usually, these people can not get a decent job because of illegal activity.Not all of them have a bad reputation, but most of them.If you are caught by the police to be waiting to go to jail.Grey Hat:Gray hatters are among the Black hat and white hat.People commit more gray hat tricks they think is harmless to other users, but might also be illegal.It is unlikely that for some users who take it as a joke. Some might take it seriously if it goes too far.You can also suspicious of jail time if you are thinking of becoming a gray hat.White Hat:White Hatters domestic consumption primarily the knowledge to fight malware. More than half of them are friendly and can be trusted.I'm not saying that no confidence, because there are some white hats, but is more likely to do harm to your computer.White Hatter can end in a job that pays well.Such as computer programming and security consultant.Chances are you will not end up in jail if they do illegal activities.Becoming a hacker:You must learn the information on any operating system and / or programming language, so you have some skill in the required fields.Most people prefer Python as a scripting language because it can create advanced programs.There is no such thing as learning a "plain language", it takes time to master the patients and their goals.You will be able to learn computer security, also known as exploits.Learn a programming language:Python is pretty decent to start because it has a clean design and very well organized and easy for beginners.Not just a joke with the software is very useful and powerful when you create an advanced project.Java is also good, but some people do not value it as a good language to start.While in programming then you may want to learn C.It is the closest language related to C + + and the Unix kernel.It helps when you create a debugging program, but it takes time and is not used often for that reason.Perl is also a good learning for practical reasons and worth learning.It is commonly used for web pages and system administration.Other people use Perl to avoid programming in C.Most computer jobs do not require C more often.What is an Exploit:An exploit is a piece of software and / or information that exploits a bug or vulnerability to cause undesirable behavior that occurs in software.This includes taking control of a computer system or allowing privilege escalation or a denial of service attack.Find a mistake can cause you to have greater access to websites and software.There are lots of methods in the search for vulnerabilities.The common found a vulnerability in the software creators.A remote exploit can work on a network and exploits security vulnerabilities without access to the system.A local exploit requires the information before accessing the system.It also increases the privileges of the person running the exploit past those by the system administrator.Exploits are also clients, typically using servers that send feats modified when accessing the client application.Attacks some applications require user interaction and combined with a bit of social engineering.This is part of how hackers to gain access to computers and websites to steal information.Normally, a feat can only take advantage of some programs.Often, when the operation is released to the public, the developers will try to fix the error.Later it will release an update for customers to download.This happens when the software is the latest version.The reason why some black hatters do not publish their exploits is due to patching method is carried out by the creators, so keep it to themselves or other hackers.Earn respect as a hacker:Software program and release to the community with the source connected.Software design that can be helpful to everyone, this way, users will download it and leave positive feedback.Soon spread and you will start to be better known.Proof of open source software that users create.If you can help in any way to make the software better and easy to use, I'm sure the creator will appreciate it and mention that in the credits.Try to find a program that is in the making.Contact the creator and ask to beta test it.There is a good chance that the beta testing before it is released to the public.You will also learn much this way and create good karma with others, so this way if you ever need help, you will be offered help as well.
                                                                           Have fun!

    Friday, January 18, 2013

    Visual Basic 2010 with Serial

    Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 With Serial included in Pack.
    You can make programs or softwares with this..
    It contains a wide range of options and tools for you!
                                                          Download it Now!

                       NAME: HASSAN KARIM &WAQAR ASIF

    Thursday, January 17, 2013

    Internet Download Manager 6.14 built 5 with Patch

    Internet Download Manager 6.14 built 5 with Patch..!!
    Grab it for free from here.
    Size : 5 MB.

    Instructions to install
    1. Download the file and extract it with winrar. Download winrar from their official website..........
    2. Now Install Internet download manager. After installing,quit it from taskbar.............................
    3. Now Open the IDM.v6.xx.release.3-patch.exe and Click on PATCH....................................
    4. Now it will prompt you to enter FName. Enter your name here and click ok...........................
    Now you have a Full version of Internet Download Manager. Enjoy :))

                       NAME: HASSAN KARIM &WAQAR ASIF