Friday, March 18, 2016

How to Start and End Embedded YouTube Video in specified time

You Tube videos has got so many things to to with. but, today we are going to learn the professional trick of making the video to start playing at a specific part, to stop playing at the time you wan't it to and combination of all the two techniques. This technique was developed to save time and help people to send the specific video clip which is from too long video. 
image-result-How-to-Start-and-End-Embedded-YouTube-Video-in-specified-timeNow, the way out of serving time to be used to cut and make a clip of the video is just to deal with embedded code section of the specific video. The tips and tricks of customizing your video are technically given below with simplified and vivid examples.Bloggers who are based on posting content full of videos in their site are sometimes used to get curious when they loose their visitors through the video post they make. This happens naturally especially to those who are new in the blogging market as well as to great bloggers who value the number of unique visitors in their overall monthly traffic. So, i will provide you the trick of terminating and stopping the suggestion list in YouTube videos embed in your blog.

Recommended;Trick to hide google adsense on YouTube play button 

Let's start with,
  • How To Set The Video To Start Playing From a Certain Time Interval
Here, the video is gonna start playing from the time we insert, Lets say we are interested in a video part which is at the second minute.
What to do here is just to copy the embedded URL from YouTube or any video player and append the following attachment Just after the video link as shown below
Copied embedded codes from YouTube
<iframe width="654" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
In the code above, Just add  ?rel=0&start=40 right before the closing tags.Your code will then appear as the one seen below with its corresponding video. Note, The video will start playing from 40 seconds. The starting time should be converted into seconds, not in form of minutes.
<iframe width="654" height="480" src=" " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • How To Embedded YouTube Video to  Stop At a Specific Time
    If you want to limit a video to not to play from a certain certain point to the end, then you must make the following piece of code in use,  ?rel=0&end=200
    Add the above piece of string just as we did in the previous code and Change the time ''200'' to the one you want to end the player.
    Example, i'm going to use a different video with the following embedded codes

    <iframe width="654" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>i'm gonna add the string and change the stopping time to four minutes, that is (4 * 60= 240 seconds)
    My code will be as follows
    <iframe width="654" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    The above Video stops at the fourth minutes. I Hope you are enjoying learning these tricks, Most of the time i used to recall Steve Jobs quote that says, "Don't ask customers what they want and then try to give that to the time you get it built,they'll want something new" Hope you agree with it. Any way Let's go to another section which will be the last part of our today's lesson.
    This is Combination of the above tricks.
    • How to Start and stop the video to play with in a certain limit of time. 
      The last part is to set the staring time simultaneously with ending time for your video player.
      There is just simple tricks over here which is used to combine the JavaScript together so as to perform our required task. 
      Let,s take an example of the last video over there and use it's code in our final tutorial here. the code we are going to add in the source code is ?rel=0&start=180&end=300 Now,
       Our video source code will be 
      <iframe width="654" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

      Those are the tips i wanted to share with you Guys. But let me conclude by this one of stopping the suggestion list as i said earlier.
      Addition of &rel=0 to the end of the embedded link will make the video to give no suggestion of related video. you can see it here which is just similar as the one in the video above, So, the string of that rel=0 code should be used in the manner as i used it in the above video. but if you wanna have suggestion list. Then remove it as i have done it in the video below.
      <iframe width="654" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
      see the video with suggestion list below
      Hope you have enjoyed today's lesson. If you come across any difficulty, feel free to ask and consult me through comments.

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